Postgraduate Studies Management Unit (UGEP)

Funcions UGEP

The UGEP's functions, which are set out in article 3 of Executive Agreement 14176 of 22nd September 2021 whereby the Postgraduate Studies Management Unit (UGEP) is created, are as follows:

  • Coordinating, at the proposal of the CEP and the EDUIB, the design and officialisation processes for officials master's and PhD programmes.
  • Providing technical support for the design, implementation, assessment, monitoring, amendment and accreditation of official master's and PhD programmes.
  • Introducing master's and PhD programmes into the Ministry's degree officialisation programme and the University's academic management programme.
  • Assisting the CEP and the EDUIB with the basic academic management tasks required to implement master's and PhD programmes.
  • Providing assistance for a proper management of teaching organisation and planning processes, including aspects such as available subjects, course guides, scheduling and credit recognition.
  • Establishing and managing the registry process for official master's and PhD programmes.
  • Providing teaching staff with the necessary training and support so that they can manage their academic and teaching tasks efficiently.
  • Assisting the CEP and the EDUIB with the management and coordination of external curricular placements on master's courses and training activities on PhD courses.
  • Any other functions that the Pro-Vice-Chancellor responsible for postgraduate studies may entrust them with.


Published Reports

Below is a summary of the main activities undertaken by the UGEP in the framework of its functions.

Reports by academic year