Discontinued or Amended Master's dregrees Programmes

Discontinued Programmes

Below is a list of official master's programmes that are fully discontinued or whose phase-out process is in progress, ordered by academic year of discontinuation, from most to least recent. You will also find the phase-out process calendar and, where applicable, the master's programme that replaces them, alongside information on the adaptation process due to programme discontinuation.

4314313 – Enginyeria Industrial (MEIN)

This language version doesn't exist

En procés d’extinció durant tres anys acadèmics: 2023-24, 2024-25 i 2025-26 .

Any acadèmic de l’extinció: 2025-26.

En substitució, s’implanta el Màster Universitari en Enginyeria Industrial.

Consultau més informació sobre el procediment d’extinció i d’adaptació per extinció de pla.

4312374 - Early Childhood: Perspectives and Lines of Intervention (MPIN)

The phase-out process takes place during two academic years: 2022-23 and 2023-24.

Final academic year when the programme is fully discontinued: 2024-25.

The Master's Degree in Psychoeducational Research Intervention is implemented in its place.

Click here for further information on the phase-out and adaptation processes due to programme discontinuation.

4314207 - Health and Life Quality Research (MSQV)

The phase-out process takes place during two academic years: 2022-23 and 2023-24.

Final academic year when the programme is fully discontinued: 2024-25.

The Master's Degree in Health Research and Innovation is implemented in its place.

Click here for further information on the phase-out and adaptation processes due to programme discontinuation.

4314852 - Catalan Language and Literature: Knowledge and Critical Analysis of Intangible Heritage (MCAP)

The phase-out process takes place during two academic years: 2020-21 and 2021-22.

Final academic year when the programme is fully discontinued: 2022-23.

The Master's Degree in Linguistic and Literary Competence: Research and Teaching is implemented in its place.

Click here for further information on the phase-out and adaptation processes due to programme discontinuation.

4311268 - Inclusive Education (MED2)

The phase-out process takes place during two academic years: 2019-2020 and 2020-21.

Final academic year when the programme is fully discontinued: 2021-22.

The Master's Degree in Psychoeducational Research and Intervention is implemented in its place.

Click here for further information on the phase-out and adaptation processes due to programme discontinuation.