Graduate Employability and Satisfaction

University Graduate Employability

The employability of university graduates is a permanent concern in society and, as such, information on this topic is vital for the university. In this sense, gathering information is essential to improve the quality of our training and to meet the requirements of different evaluation procedures for each degree programme.

In order to discern the real employability of our graduates, the UIB has opted to obtain this information through a complementary dual process:

  • Reports based on data obtained from the collaboration agreement (signed on 5th December 2016) between the Administration of the Autonomous Region of the Balearic Islands (Department for Work, Commerce, and Industry), the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) and the Institute for Statistics of the Balearic Islands (IBESTAT), using these data with a view to quantitatively analysing employability for UIB students
  • Graduate employability and satisfaction surveys.

The tables below set out the methodology and results for both studies.